Allow Caroline Dumur's calm thoughts on her latest concoction, A Kiss of Bliss, send you to dizzying heights of elation.​


What was the inspiration behind A Kiss of Bliss?

The inspiration behind A Kiss of Bliss was to create an enveloping and delightful fragrance with a comforting musk base, which I believed would evoke the perfect feel-good effect. To bring this vision to life, I combined chypre notes like bergamot, rose, moss, and patchouli, while introducing unexpected green facets of maté, matcha, and clover.


What was the process like creating this relaxing remedy? 

The starting point for the creation was the addictive power of musk, aiming to evoke immediate pleasure. This quality was further enhanced by the matcha accord, seamlessly connecting with the chypre elements. The idea was to strike a balance between addiction and freshness, sophistication, and blissfulness.​

In addition, the use of matcha was a way of reinterpreting the classical British tea concept, giving it a modern twist and infusing the chypre fragrance with an innovative touch. Ultimately, the inspiration was to craft a unique and contemporary perfume that beautifully captured the essence of musk and matcha.​

Were any of the ingredients in this fragrance new to you? 

Exploring different fragrances and experimenting with various ingredients is an exciting part of my creative process. It allows me to discover unique combinations and expand my repertoire. The musk/chypre accord is one of my favorite ones to work with because of its timeless elegance and versatility. ​

Creating a new fragrance doesn't necessarily demand using entirely new ingredients. It’s the art of creating a new combination of ingredients and elements that differentiates a fragrance from another.

How would you like the wearer of A Kiss of Bliss to feel?

In A Kiss of Bliss, the use of musk enhances the enveloping effect. I want the wearer to feel hugged by the fragrance. Musk, with its warm and comforting notes, helps create a sense of intimacy and closeness. This combination of ingredients aims to evoke a feel-good effect.

What is one of your happiest memories as a child?

One of my happiest memories as a child was the time spent at my grandparent's house, where I was cradled by the beautiful smells of their garden and farm. The fragrant flowers, freshly cut grass, earthy scents... It was a magical experience as if each scent carried a story of its own. But what truly stands out in my memory is the irresistible aroma of waffles my grandmother prepared for me, and the nostalgic scent of my grandfather's tobacco box.

What always brings a smile to your face? 

Many things bring a smile to my face but above all, it's my daughter who never fails to brighten my day. Her presence, her laughter, and her loving nature are truly priceless. 

Why do scents have a positive impact on one’s well-being? ​

To me, scents have a positive impact on well-being as they evoke different emotions, influence mood, enhance confidence… They connect us to cherished memories and promote relaxation.

Can you give any advice or tips on how one should apply a fragrance?

There are no rules! You have the freedom to apply it wherever you want, based on your personal preference and desired effect. If you enjoy the scent on your wrists, go ahead and apply it there. If you prefer to spritz it in your hair or on your clothes, feel free to do so. The key is to follow your instincts and apply the fragrance in a way that brings you confidence. Personally, I enjoy applying perfume to my hair—it adds an unexpected touch!


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