The luxurious scent of a bygone era. (Our very first fragrance, no less.) It's 1872, and in the Turkish baths of Mayfair, heady lavender, rose and sandalwood rub shoulders. Pass me a towel, old chap.
If like me, you love the historical value of fragrance then Hammam’s Bouquet is a good place to start. This was Penhaligon’s first and I’m glad to say this was also my first experience of Penhaligons. I was hooked from the first smell as I was whisked back to 1872, an era I try to imagine myself living in more often than not. Its strong but if sprayed correctly will last all day without overpowering anyones nostrils. Along with Sartorial and Savoy Steam, I know I can transport myself to the time of wonder any time I choose.
Across sweeping saffron deserts, an oasis of plum and patchouli perfumes the Incense Road.
AED 1,100100 ml HAMMAM BOUQUET all/It Matters Not/Birthdays/Signature/PENFULLSIZE/royally inspired/woody/amber scents/floral/british tales/fragrances shop all/floral scents/woody scents/Golden Oldies/Golden OldiesLavender and sandalwood rub shoulders in the fragrant Turkish baths of Mayfair.Eau de ToiletteSignatureFAMILY_WOODY_ORIENTAL100 ml1The luxurious scent of a bygone era. (Our very first fragrance, no less.) It's 1872, and in the Turkish baths of Mayfair, heady lavender, rose and sandalwood rub shoulders. Pass me a towel, old chap.
3 interest-free payments of <span class="price_ME">AED </span>230. No fees.
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Eau de Toilette
100 ml
AED 690
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Hammam Bouquet
If like me, you love the historical value of fragrance then Hammam’s Bouquet is a good place to start. This was Penhaligon’s first and I’m glad to say this was also my first experience of Penhaligons. I was hooked from the first smell as I was whisked back to 1872, an era I try to imagine myself living in more often than not. Its strong but if sprayed correctly will last all day without overpowering anyones nostrils. Along with Sartorial and Savoy Steam, I know I can transport myself to the time of wonder any time I choose.