A Word To The Wise: Travelling The World

Oftentimes, the only antidote to itchy feet is a holiday. Penhaligon's spoke with Kesang Ball, founder of Trippin, to discuss her tips for travelling around the world.​

Word to the Wise Travelling the World

Tips Of The Trade From The Butler

A butler is master of many a trade, don’t you know – simply ask The Omniscient Mr Thompson, the newest addition to the Portraits Mansion. One requires a sharp memory, a sharper eye, and the sharpest of ears (the better for listening at thin walls). So, in celebration of our all-knowing new fragrance, Penhaligon's has spoken to experts in their field for their wisdom on all manner of affairs.

Allow Penhaligon's to introduce, A Word to the Wise. You are most welcome, old chap.

We sat down with Kesang Ball, self-professed lover of travel and founder of Trippin, for her golden tips on travelling the world.


1. Disconnect To Recharge

Turn your phone on flight mode. Detaching from the online world and giving yourself space is important to connect to your inner-self and have the best experiences. ​


2. Eat Traditional Cuisine

Not only are you going to eat the freshest produce, but you'll directly be supporting local communities and eating sustainably.

3. Pack Light By Planning Each Outfit

Ever empty your wardrobe into your suitcase and end up not wearing half of it? Instead, plan each outfit and make sure the items you're bringing complement each other. Not only is this good for lowering your carbon footprint, but you’ll never be over your luggage allowance!

4. Bring Back Memories

Bring back a locally sourced scent to remind yourself of the trip. Candles and perfumes are great ways to remember your experiences and transport you back to a place months after you've returned. 


5. Push Yourself For Transformation

Travel is a transformative experience achieved by pushing us outside of our comfort zones. Welcome new perspectives and embrace difficult or challenging moments.


6. Walk Or Cycle Where You Can

You'll find yourself stumbling across unexpected places, people and things you wouldn't have if you were in a car or a train. It's also kind to our planet.


7. Explore Destinations Through The Eyes Of Locals

Trippin is a great place and gateway to get locally curated travel tips from tastemakers and pioneers of creative scenes across the world. 


8. Immersion Is Key

in, there are travel tools curated through intersectional lenses to help guide and navigate you around the world and help connect you to local communities.​

9. Bring Familiar Scents To Help You Sleep

Sometimes it can be hard to sleep in an unfamiliar place. Pack essential oil blends or a perfume that reminds you of home.


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