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Scents to linger on long after sundown

Il Ballo della letizia Penhaligon's

Like the masses, a loyal clientele of Penhaligon’s can often be found attending masked balls or grand galas on a whim, but finding a scent to linger on long after you’ve fled the dancefloor can be quite the chore.

Here we divulge our golden rules to achieving a long-lasting scent and where to go about finding one. Of course, Prince Charming shan’t be likely to find a glass slipper on the staircase, but rather catch a whiff of the fragrant trail you leave in your path.


Notes that linger: 

Whilst many of us are easily beguiled by the beauty of a Penhaligon’s bottle, the notes of a fragrance are of utmost importance when considering your new scent. 
Though the head and heart of each sumptuous fragrance is what enchants us, it is in fact the base notes that remain the longest. A medley of heady, rich blends are certain to leave one perfumed from sunrise ‘til dawn, closely accompanied by sandalwood, patchouli, amber, vanilla and cedarwood. 

How to make a scent last longer: 

Penhaligon’s has encountered many a fragrant myth throughout its time, but there are five golden rules that are proven to have you feeling heaven scent from disk ‘til dawn. 

1.) Apply before getting dressed

Tempting as it is to dowse one’s ballgown in Penhaligon’s finest, lightly misting one’s skin before your fitting is proven to last longer. For an extra dose of public esteem, spritzing a Penhaligon’s hankie with your desired scent and hanging in your wardrobe is more likely to create a fragrant aroma that lingers for longer. 

2.) Mist your Tresses

Lightly spray your perfume into the air and allow the fragrant droplets to caress your hair. A soft summer breeze shall enchant anyone who crosses your path as you scurry home before midnight. 

Il Ballo della letizia Penhaligon's

3.) Layering 

By now, one is well acquainted with the art of layering. Whether it be stacking jewellery or piling on the knitted sweatshirts come autumn time, layering one’s scent is just as crucial to the final … Before attending any opulent affair, one would be well advised to sink into a perfumed bath with Penhaligon’s Bath & Body collection before towelling dry and misting yourself in your favoured fragrance. 

4.) Apply onto Moisturised Skin 

Hydrated skin is beneficial for many reasons but, most importantly, it is proven to keep your scent smelling heavenly for longer. Simply, apply onto pulse points before spritzing on a sumptuous scent. 

5.) Banishing Body Odour

An evening of dancing is certain to stir up quite the sweat. Stay refreshed with Penhaligon’s delightfully scented deodorants, noses will be thankful


Empressa Dry Body Oil

Un Olio secco per il corpo dal profumo seducente che accarezza dolcemente la pelle con olio di Argan e vitamina E.



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