Tavola delle fragranze di Penhaligon’s: un banchetto per nasi esigenti

Un odore inebriante appena si entra. Cura e attenzione impareggiabili da parte di esperti di fragranze. Every one of our boutiques has its hallmarks, but there is nothing more distinctly Penhaligon’s than our iconic Fragrance Table.
The Penhaligon’s Fragrance Profiling Table is inspired by legendary British designer Thomas Heatherwick. You may recall the 2012 Olympic cauldron, designed by Heatherwick. During the opening ceremony of the Games, 204 flaming ‘petals’ rose gracefully into the air, converging to form one great flame, a symbol of the coming together of 204 nations.
Our table pays homage to Heatherwick’s design, and honours the magnificent efforts of 2012’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes. The base is made up of 34 elegant spires, each one holding an illuminated bottle of Penhaligon’s fragrance, instead of a flame. (That would be rather dangerous).
We happen to think the tables showcase our collection in the most fabulous fashion. Visit one of our stores to see for yourself, or if you can’t wait – try our online fragrance profiling quiz.