Taking the lady in your life out for Mother’s Day? Penhaligon’s has a thought or two on the subject, and a few suggestions for our patrons in London.

Mother's Day Luna

Why, it may seem like barely yesterday Mother was tying your shoelaces and preparing one’s packed lunch. How the time flies. And now, before you know it, will be Sunday 10th March. It’s high time all those parents' evenings, doctor visits and music recitals were repaid in kind with a Mother’s Day surprise that’ll positively charm her socks off. Allow Penhaligon’s to assist with a few ideas for things to do in good old London Town.


It's Always Time For Tea

How terribly proper, but one cannot go wrong with afternoon tea. Fresh cakes, baked scones, and a piping teapot – what better way to while away a few hours, gossiping about the neighbours or reminiscing about your childhood (only the good times, mind)? One must pick the right venue, of course, and nothing says, ‘Thank you, Mother’ than the Grand Saloon at Theatre Royal Drury Lane. With a dedicated Mother’s Day menu featuring cakes from baker Lily Vanilli (who whipped up a festive cake for Penhaligon’s last Christmas), sip tea from fine bone china cups and admire your theatrical-cum-Regency surrounds. And once the pot is empty, you’re a hop, skip and a jump away from Penhaligon’s Wellington Street – we're sure Mother would love to pop in for a perfume.

A Front Row Seat

Treat Mother to a performance perfumed with elegance and sophistication at The Royal Opera House. One might be lucky enough to catch the last few performances of Manon (running until 8 March) or find yourself amongst the first to see Swan Lake (6 March – 28 June). We’re sure you’ll both dress for the occasion but be sure to smell just as dazzling: nothing less than a Lady goes to the theatre, so we’d recommend The Revenge of Lady Blanche to finish off one’s attire.

A Royal Day Out

Penhaligon’s adores London as much as the next person (it’s where our first store was opened, after all), but a change of scenery is always rather pleasant, don’t you think? Indeed, put a royal spin on Mother’s Day and treat her like a queen with a palatial visit. Which one? Hampton Court Palace and Windsor Castle are both less than an hour from London and afford scenery and history in equal measure (and one can thank their lucky stars they weren’t one of Henry VII’s wives). Of course, Penhaligon’s is no stranger to royalty: we have two fragrances inspired by royal residences and are surely worth a sniff. Blenheim and Highgrove Bouquets, fabulously floral fragrances that suit spring or summer sojourns to, say, a palace on Mother’s Day?

Boost Mother's Mood

Ever miss one’s childhood? Take Mother back to the good old days of playtime at the latest craze sweeping London: Dopamine Land. This rather modern, endorphin-inducing playground shall bring out your (and Mother’s) inner-child through a combination of media, technology, and play. Based in South Kensington, it’s a far cry from the museums and galleries that threaten to send Mum off to Snoozeville. And should one want to keep mum’s good mood up, Penhaligon’s Potions & Remedies are on hand with their botanical benefits to keep the good times a-rolling!


Bake Her Something Sweet

Couldn’t get your mitts off the cake tin as a child? We’re sure Mother gave up the last slice on many an occasion. Perhaps it’s time to show her you can make more than a sandwich at The Big London Bake. The capital’s very own answer to a certain popular baking show, get a-baking with mum to whip up a showstopper in an hour-and-a-half (and by showstopper, a Victoria sponge shall suffice). Will you be the dream team that wins? If Mother raised you well enough. No experience needed, as the website explains, just a spoonful of enthusiasm and a dash of creativity. An added bonus to please mum: the washing up shall be done for you!

A Candlelit Dinner

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but who’s to say the same can’t be said about Mother? Thank her this Mother’s Day with a slap-up dinner; consider it recompense for all those hours she spent in the kitchen for you. Penhaligon’s has just the solution: a Mother’s Day menu at The Ivy – what better excuse to dress up and wear your finest perfume? What’s more, at the end of your delicious dinner, Mother shall be presented with a Penhaligon’s candle – a small token to show her she is the light of your life.

Treat Her Nose

Yes, if Mother is a woman of distinguished taste (and we know she is), then there’s only one thing for it: a Fragrance Profiling at a Penhaligon’s store! With the help of our dedicated Fragrance Consultants, discover Mother’s signature scent and even enjoy a reception of refreshments (when booked in advance, of course). Once her nose has settled on a scent, we’ll beautifully gift-wrap it for her as a treasure for her to remember. Won’t you simply be the most darling child?


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