A Word To The Wise: Crafting A Fabulous Floral Arrangement

The devil's in the detail(that's what Mr Thompson, the Portraits Butler, would say). Penhaligon's sits down with bespoke florist Delta of Venus to learn the ways of fragrant flower arranging.

Mr Thompson Floral Arrangement

Tips Of The Trade From The Butler

A butler is master of many a trade, don’t you know – simply ask The Omniscient Mr Thompson, the newest addition to the Portraits Mansion. One requires a sharp memory, a sharper eye, and the sharpest of ears (the better for listening at thin walls). So, in celebration of our all-knowing new fragrance, Penhaligon's has spoken to experts in their field for their wisdom on all manner of affairs.

Allow Penhaligon's to introduce, A Word to the Wise. You are most welcome, old chap.​​


​We sat down with bespoke florist Delta of Venus to learn the ways of fragrant flower arranging.

When selecting the ingredients for your bouquet – whether you’re picking flowers in the garden or purchasing them from your local grocer or florist – it's useful to bear in mind the three F’s.

1. Focal Flowers

These flowers in a floral arrangement are like the head notes in a perfume. They’re the first thing you notice and they make a strong impression. Head notes are often bright and fresh, just like a show-stopping flower at the centre of a bouquet. ​

Examples include rose, peonies, chrysanthemums, anemones, hydrangea, dahlias and orchids.

2. Filler Flowers

Akin to the heart notes of a perfume. Heart notes add depth and complexity to the scent, just like filler flowers add texture and interest to a bouquet. ​

Examples include spray roses, snapdragons, sweet peas, jasmine, cherry blossom and narcissus.

The Omniscient Mr Thompson

3. Foliage

Similar to the base notes of a perfume. Base notes provide a foundation for the scent and help it last longer, just like foliage gives structure and support to a bouquet.​

Examples include eucalyptus, cow parsley (also known as Queen Anne’s lace), ruscus, olive, trailing ivy and smoke bush​.

​And one mustn't forget: the traditional rule of three is a good guideline for ingredients ratio (a third per category).


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