Pour oneself a soothing cup of tea and take a moment with Juliette Karagueuzoglou, the perfumer behind Penhaligon's latest soothing scent, A Balm of Calm.

Un bálsamo de calma

What was the inspiration behind A Balm of Calm? 

When creating A Balm of Calm, my aim was to capture a feeling of serenity. I drew inspiration from calming ingredients like lavender and sandalwood, which offer a clean and comforting scent. To create a universal sense of tranquillity, I incorporated a palo santo accord that blends with the soothing qualities of sandalwood, providing a profound sense of well-being and relaxation. ​


What is your usual process when creating a fragrance? Did A Balm of Calm differ to previous scents? ​

When creating a fragrance my usual process involves drawing inspiration, experimenting different ingredients, and refining the scent over time. ​A Balm of Calm differed from previous scents as it had a specific intention of evoking tranquillity. The choice of ingredients, including lavender, sandalwood and a palo santo accord was carefully selected to create a serene and comforting ambiance. ​It was an exciting journey to bring this unique fragrance to life. 

What is your earliest memory of a scent or fragrance? 

One particular moment that stands out in my memory is when my aunt, who worked in the training department at Christian Dior, introduced me to the world of perfumes. She presented me with a perfume to smell and told me that it was going to be the next scent launched by Dior. It was at that moment, in 1990 when Dune was launched, that I made a firm decision to become a perfumer. ​That perfume became a milestone for me, a date I could always remember and attribute to my passion. 

How would you like the wearer of A Balm of Calm to feel? ​

My goal is for them to experience a profound sense of calmness. This fragrance is designed to create a harmonious and serene atmosphere, allowing the wearer to find comfort. 

How do relax in your downtime? ​

I cherish my downtime! It’s very important for me to relax to balance my energy. ​To do so, I try to get enough sleep and do pilates, but what I love the most is to free myself from any tension is to listen to loud music! I also consider myself a very lucky person to be a perfumer. This job provides me the opportunity to express myself and to enjoy creating fragrances that give different emotions. ​For A Balm of Calm, the creative process made me feel relaxed.

What scents help you to sleep? ​

I don’t usually perfume my space to help me fall asleep, but what I love is to go to bed after a shower and smell the clean soapy fragrance of my shower gel. It’s part of my routine and comforts me before going to sleep. If I had one recommendation of what not to smell before going to bed it would be heavy, sweet fragrances. 

How does A Balm of Calm differ from other scents you’ve made for Penhaligon’s? ​

Each fragrance from Penhaligon’s has its own story and that’s why I love working for this brand. It’s so stimulating, and it helps me to create unique fragrances every time. In the case of A Balm of Calm, the fragrance is based on M. Penhaligon’s very own story. The one who created his own formulas in his greenhouse with fantastic spices and flowers. We want to continue his legacy and modernise his formulas using ingredients with wellness properties.


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