fragrances - Ladies
Turning heads comes oh so naturally to ladies who adorn Penhaligon’s. Discover fragrances from fabulously empowered and well-polished ladies.
Eau de Parfum
HALFETISo this is love. A mysterious perfume heady with rose, grapefruit and spice.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE DANDYWhisky. Glitter. Smoke. A cocktail of mischief, shaken with cedarwood and rhythmic raspberry.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
PENHALIGON'S ALULAAcross sweeping saffron deserts, an oasis of plum and patchouli perfumes the Incense Road.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE FAVOURITEMischief-tinged musk: this fragrance wields its own royally charming power.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Toilette
LUNAThe Moon Goddess’ bath is perfumed with orange, jasmine and fir. Surrender.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
LIQUID LOVEA distillation of desire to set hearts a-racing. You lucky thing!
£195 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE OMNISCIENT MR THOMPSONA fragrance of a few, well-chosen words. Strong but subtle wood, vanilla and sesame milk.
£235 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
ARTEMISIAFresh nectarine and jasmine sweetened by vanilla. A hymn sung on perfumed skin.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
SOLARISA timeless ode to the Sun, radiant with white flowers, dazzling citrus and blackcurrant.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
EAU THE AUDACITYA confident concoction imbibed with bold incense. Does one dare?
£195 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
BABYLONLove, mystery and majesty! A city fragrant with warm vanilla, cedar and saffron.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
HIGHGROVE BOUQUETA floral hum of silver lime, mimosa and cedar. As radiant as the scent of earthly sunshine.
£175 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE REVENGE OF LADY BLANCHEA picture of charm – or is she? This narcotic fragrance has a dangerous bite.
£235 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
CLANDESTINE CLARAExotic, spicy, sweet-scented. Clara is a complex creature, impossible to resist.
£235 75 ml
Eau de Toilette
BLUEBELLA woodland wander amidst a fragrant carpet of bluebells. Pure bliss.
£135 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
CHANGING CONSTANCECool cardamom, hot pimento, salted caramel – a scent with no regard for rules.
£235 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE COVETED DUCHESS ROSEA sweet-scented Rose, ready for the picking. Not so innocent after all.
£235 75 ml
Eau de Parfum
EMPRESSARadiant with peach, vanilla and blood orange, the Empressa’s scent bewitches.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
HALFETI LEATHERAn icon reborn: bergamot, leather and oud mingle in the bazaar’s heady haze.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
CAIRODamascena rose, patchouli and saffron perfume this ancient, sensual city.
£215 100 ml
Eau de Parfum
THE DANDYRevel in a cocktail of mischief: whisky whispers with cedarwood to a raspberry rhythm. Care to dance?
£85 30 ml