Goodness Gracious What A Wiff!

Far be it from us to lecture, but this much we know to be true: these times they are a-changing.
Being a very British brand we thought we could step in with some very British advice to guide you through these exceptionally trying and rather difficult times. Penhaligon’s is here to help you through, make you smile and come out the other side fit, formidable and fiercely fragrant.
Get dressed! We don’t recommend shuffling around the house in your night gown and sleeping cap all day. We know washing ones hands is of the utmost importance but don’t neglect the rest of your temple. What greater pleasure is there than sinking into a perfectly perfumed bath? Or if one prefers a vertical morning routine, fear not, Penhaligon’s Bath & Body collection will have you ship shape in a jiffy.
And remember increased cleansing deserves correct rejuvenation, with moisturising lotion.